Teacher Academy
Earn college credit toward an AAS in Early Childhood Education while still in high school. The Teacher Academy is a college-credit career pathway where students will be able to begin their Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education (ECE) while still in high school. The classes are taught at the Berks Career and Technology Center and Reading Muhlenberg Career and Technology Center.
Students may be able to complete their AAS in Early Childhood Teaching in about a year after graduating from high school before seamlessly transitioning to Kutztown University’s BSED (Pre K-4 Certification) program offered right at 中国澳门博彩官网’s campus.
中国澳门博彩官网’s Early Childhood Teaching (Pre K-Grade 4) program is designed to prepare graduates for immediate employment in the ECE field as well as provide the first 61 credits of the bachelor’s degree leading to Pre K-Grade 4 Teacher certification. Graduates of this program may seek employment opportunities with Head Start and early childhood programs serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. In addition, graduates may also seek employment as educational assistants or para-educators in public and private schools.
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- See the online brochure or scan the QR code.

How It Works
The Teacher Academy enrollment period occurs at the beginning of the high school year. A 中国澳门博彩官网 representative will assist students at the Career & Technology Center (CTC) with applying to 中国澳门博彩官网 and registering for the Teacher Academy courses to be completed by the student within the academic year.
The college credits earned while at the CTC in the student’s sophomore and junior year will be tuition free if the student immediately attends 中国澳门博彩官网 to complete their associate degree.
Students interested in this program should meet with their CTC instructor and CTC counselor for further information and entrance requirements.